Thursday, April 28, 2011

Citywide Internship Fair for Students, Start-ups and Small Businesses

Want an intern this summer? Its not too late and campus2careers can help!

campus2careers has partnered with the Mayor's office, all local chambers, all schools, and more to launch InternInAustin (, the nation's first citywide internship program. InternInAustin provides start-ups and small businesses with the content, tools, and templates to create an effective internship program, like a Fortune 500. In addition, the program includes training sessions by the SBDP and a citywide internship fair on May 15th at the AT&T Conference Center. This fair is planned and priced for small businesses including:
1. $25 admittance fee will give you access to an estimated 600 students from 8 area colleges looking to intern with a small business this summer
2. The fair is on the weekend so you don't have to take time during your busy workday
3. Speed networking/interviewing (instead of booth discussions) with students (and even other companies), organized by industry
4. A brief training on how to use your intern to manage your social media and other tips to get the most out of the experience

If you are interested in attending the fair, you can sign up at If you are looking for best practice content on how to build an internship, click And if you are looking for interns before or after the May 15th event or entry-level new hires anytime, check out to get matched with top talent from over 4k students and recent grads. We hope to see you on May 15th.

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