Thursday, July 16, 2009

July Bootstrap Principle: know thyself (#knowthyself on twitter)

Every month the bootstrap community focuses on a key principle of the bootstrap journey. This principle will be shared on twitter via @bootstrapaustin and using a "#" term.

This month's principle is #knowthyself. While it starts in the YOU Stage and is the primary focus of this stage, knowing yourself is a continuing aspect of the bootstrap journey. As we proceed through the various stages and challenges unique to them, we come to know ourselves, our cofounders and team members.

Indeed bootstraps are different from other ventures in that they are literally extensions of their founders passions and talents. A way to illustrate this - redraw the Bootstrap Map with the founder(s) at the center and the other aspects such as product, customer, organization in concentric circles. Therefore, knowing yourself (and developing your talents) is essential.

One way to start your self-knowledge journey is to use a personality model. There are a number of these - Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, DISC, Strengths Finder, MRE - and all are useful to varying degrees. Please tweet about your experiences, especially if you found a particular model to be useful. MRE (Maven, Relater, Evangelist) is the model we use in the bootstrap community. You can discover your core energy at

Please join the discussion on twitter by following/responding/RTing and use #knowthyself in any relevant tweets from your own twitter account. Additionally, every bootstrap subgroup will spend 15 minutes discussing the principle at their meeting this month.

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