Allow me to share a few lessons I learned while
participating in a fast-pitch challenge at the Resilience Innovations Summit in
Honolulu this past September.
“Access to $40 Billion in World Bank Innovation
Funding”. Seriously?! Beware of conferences that market access to funding and/or exposure
to motivated investors – the returns may not be as advertised...
Ok, I admit I wanted
to be swept up by the lure of participating in a competition at a conference in
Hawaii to pitch to the World Bank with over $40B to throw at new innovations.
That’s why I half-consciously ignored advice not to go
(because such events are more beneficial to idea pilferers than for obtaining
grants) and why I chose to make only a half-assed attempt to validate the
“$40B” claim (yes, World Bank did have this amount budgeted for 2014 grants but
attempts to confirm their attendance fell on “deaf ears”).
So yes, I am as guilty as the next human in making “buy”
decisions with emotion and not logic… That’s how humans roll. Period.
That said, I believe true bootstrappers and entrepreneurs
are able to turn good and bad decisions into tangible value such as the lessons
learned below.
My company is focused
on developing (and most recently attempting to license) innovations with potential
for extraordinary impact on people and the planet. Leading up to the Hawaiian fast-pitch
challenge, we were working on two related innovations (both at the
proof-of-concept stage}:
- pECO BamBooster - A toolkit that poverty-stricken individuals or families can use to transform natural bamboo of any length and diameter into standardized building components, and in turn, into green products such as…
- pECO Pollinator - A craft-kit for constructing habitats (eg, a butterfly “motel”) that attract and rejuvenate pollinators and sustain a healthy ecosystem.

“Investor Conferences” With Eyes Open – As mentioned, this Summit was
billed as one that would be chock full of investors seeking to fund new
innovations. In fact, once there, I prospected the Summit and full attendee
database and turned up zero, nobody, nada that even resembled an investor!
Lesson: Don’t expect investors to be present unless you get specific names in
writing from conference organizers…
Leverage Conference
Attendee Database
– If the conference offers access to the list of attendees, use it to get
a read on who is attending and to set up meetings pre-, during- and
Points Spur Support – having one or
more rallying points made recruiting resources and financial support much
easier. Once support begins to materialize, others are more willing to assist. For
a. A good-cause - Since our innovations reverse poverty and
increase resilience of food supply we were able to garner support from
empathetic people and businesses
b. A competition with perceived prize -
ie, fast-pitch challenge with potential for investment (particularly key to
obtaining spousal support in my case ;-)
c. A real & urgent need with a clear
deadline – communicating that my fast pitch would not happen if support did
not materialize by the 7/31 commitment deadline helped spur action
d. A cool/edgy activity - trip to Hawaii
which eventually paved the way for a Treehouse Masters TV spot contingent on
Dare to
Be Different – Look for opportunities to stand out and be different. For
example, Treehouse Masters TV celebrity, Pete Nelson, never would have offered
to build us an R&D treehouse field lab out of bamboo in Hawaii if I didn’t
approach him with the concept at the Austin Fall Home & Garden Show while
wearing a farmers hat with butterflies on it and red, white & blue
suspenders – OMG how embarrassing but effective!
Takes A Village – Within a one month time window the following support
contributed to our eventual success
a. over
50 people (spanning family, friends, existing business network and new
b. over
10 organizations and
c. over
7 key networking events
d. but,
zero Craig’s List responses and zero inquiries/support via our website (albeit
in its infancy)..
Pitch One
Simple Concept – Effective articulation of a single innovative concept in 7
minutes is a challenge. I was attempting the impossible, namely, to communicate
two relate concepts which caused significant pitch churn and diluted
some of its impact in the end. That said, I may not have been selected as a finalist
by focusing too narrowly in the proposal stage.
About YOU, Not the Slides – My fast-pitch went through 11 significant
adjustments that included several complete slide deck rewrites, a zero-slide
pitch two days before pitch-time to the final 12-slide pitch that was
eventually delivered (the last full day was spent in front of a mirror to
ensure accurate, effective and well-timed delivery). That said, what I realized
through all of this (thanks to excellent coaching by Barry Thornton) is that
the fewer slides the better (eg, zero to one slide is best.) Bottom line is, you
want the audience to buy into and remember YOU. If you end up using a slide
make it a “sticky image or message” they can easily associate with you.
Practice Make Perfect? – The jury is still out on this one for me. Yes, I
spent considerable time in front of the mirror perfecting my pitch which
according to feedback I nailed and was well received. That said, it almost felt
too rehearsed (ie, not engaging). It wasn’t until the
unrehearsed Q&A portion did I feel true audience mind-share.
No Free
Rides – Via the aforementioned networking effort I was able to defray ~70%
of the cost to participate (ie, ~$3500 of a total estimated $5000 cost). That
said, spending $1500 was well worth the benefits not to mention name, product
and cause recognition that flows from such networking.
Lining in the False Lure of Investors - OK, so it would have been nice if
my fast pitch actually contained an audience of investors as was billed by the
Summit organizers. That said, I never would have engaged in this activity if
not for that lure. It motivated me to submit a fast-pitch challenge proposal in
the first place and when selected as a finalist, with hand on heart, helped
sway my wife and others to support my efforts. Even though no grant funding
materialized, the following did:
Message refinement and reusable fast-pitch
Reusable showcase booth set ups
Two solid business partners
Many new business collaborators
A Reality TV spot contingent on funding
A network of over 25 new connections & supporters
(some of whom live in Hawaii)
New valuable mentorship resources
A provisional patent
Follow-on funding discussions with the Dean of
Agriculture at the University of Hawaii,
Manoa, with the Oahu Island Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
and with other Hawaiian businesses
New business leverage based on the above
NOW, who wants to partner with us in an Hawaiian
paradise, living and/or working in a bamboo treehouse field lab and get a
little TV exposure to finalize products with the potential for extraordinary
impact on people and the planet?! Only bootstrappers, entrepreneurs and
investors need apply…:-)
Stay tuned for a follow-on post on our plans to secure
the elusive licensing agreements and/or funding we need..
Tom Baum
Founder, TRACEe
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